Sep 5, 2024 | Community, Youth

Ask RUOK? Have you ever done this for someone else?

RUOK? Day is almost here. It’s a great reminder of how important it is to be connected to other people. It doesn’t matter who we are, what we do, or where we live. Being part of a community matters to our better health and wellbeing.

So we asked a few people around Fusion to tell us a story about when someone else reached out and made a difference just when they needed it most.


Image: Invite a friend out for a coffee, or go for a walk together.

Ali’s Story

Sometimes I find it is easy to forget that I belong and feel isolated, even a bit lonely. A while ago when I was feeling especially alone, my husband was working away and I felt I hadn’t spoken to a real person for ages. A friend called “just because” and hearing that I was by myself, she invited me out for a cuppa. Getting out of the house and spending time with a friend was just what I needed to get my perspective back.

I remembered too that phones work both ways! I now make an effort to reach out more to my friends as that message might be just what they need to hear. Being reminded that someone is thinking about you can truly make a difference to mood, perspective and feeling hopeful.

Sallie’s Story

I feel fortunate to have both random and regular connections with people in my life! It’s special to get a random text from someone who is conscious of what I’m carrying and just sends a message to ask how it’s going.

With others there are established rituals of connection; a monthly phone call that we both put in our diaries and look forward to, or the cup of tea that arrives on my bedside table early every morning. That first sip of tea is the nicest I have all day! I can count on it, it’s a little message each morning that I am loved and cared for.

Random or regular, we need people to carry us in their hearts. I hope I can do that for others.

Edwina’s Story

Not long ago I received a parcel in the mail. I hadn’t ordered anything online, and it wasn’t even my birthday. Opening the box up, I found it was full of little envelopes and gift bags of all shapes and sizes.

A friend had made space and time in her life to create this Blessing Box full of encouraging messages and gifts just for me. All had been very carefully chosen and some were even hand-made.

I’m facing a lot of change and uncertainty, and this box is an encouragement and blessing to me. Each time I need a boost, I lift the lid on my box and choose a new envelope. It’s like my friend is right there with me! Knowing she has done this all with me in mind is the biggest encouragement of all.

    RUOK? Day

    Rawling’s Story

    Nothing terrible had happened in my life at the time. Life was just happening. Work, family, church, footy, responsibilities and my own personal wellbeing all fighting for balance within my life.

    And one of the boys randomly called to say, ‘I love you Bro’. For me, it meant the world. It was nothing grandiose or flamboyant, but it really left a lasting impact. I realised it only take a couple of seconds to be kind, it doesn’t have to be too flashy or over the top. It can be as simple as telling someone you love them. So, I’d encourage you … let em know.

    How can you reach out?

    RUOK? Day encourages us all to look around and notice how our friends, family, and neighbours are going. Our efforts might feel small, but they can make a big difference to someone at their time of need.

    Use these steps from our friends at RUOK? Day to start the conversation. You never know what difference you will make.

    For more resources to help you support the people around you click below to visit the RUOK? Day website.