Get your business involved
Partnering with Fusion is rewarding for you, your employees, your customers and the lives transformed thanks to your support.
If you are considering partnering with Fusion, we would love to hear from you!
There are a number of ways you can support young people and their communities to thrive:
- Sponsoring a program
- Offering pro bono support in an area of your expertise
- Purchasing one of our corporate training packages
- Hosting a fundraising event
- Partnering with a local Youth and Community Centre
We would love to have a true partnership with your business. We offer corporate training packages, team building exercises and opportunities to connect with our frontline work.
help us to continue our vital work with young people and their communities
More than a Shelter
“30 years ago I lived in a Fusion Australia house for young people experiencing homelessness. When I think back on the time there, I feel nothing but a sense of gratitude. They gave me stability and security by providing a place that I could call home and the opportunity to continue to go to school.
The workers genuinely cared about me at a time in my life where I was the most vulnerable. Whilst I was not always as receptive as I could have been, I knew deep down that they had my best interests at heart. It was in the Fusion house that I started to see how enjoyable cooking is. I remember us taking turns to cook dinner, the workers were always on hand to help and they’d let me help when it was their turn. I am pretty sure that some of my meals were very questionable but they ate them. Cooking is one thing from that time that is still a huge part of my life today. I find getting in the kitchen and cooking amazing meals for my family to be such a great pastime and amazing stress relief for me.
I will forever be grateful for the support Fusion Australia gave to me at a time in my life when I needed it the most.” – Gretel*
Gretel’s story of homelessness ends with connection, support and hope. Thanks to philanthropic funding, Fusion continues to provide practical assistance through the youth homelessness services and early intervention work 30 years later. We believe home is more than a roof over your head. Our housing programs offer support to help young people develop independent life skills and relationships they can trust, as well as a sense of being significant and cared for.

We are, at our heart, a group of passionate people who care about seeing real change in the world. Interested in connecting? We’d love to hear from you